

blur style:

Screenshot 2023-03-24 at 4.36.53 PM

cloud style:

Screenshot 2023-03-24 at 4.38.47 PM


Create Tags Page

Execute the following command in the Hexo root directory:

hexo new page tags

Add Tags Page to Navigation Bar

Enable tags in the navbar configuration option of the Redefine theme configuration file _config.redefine.yml.

    Tags: #取名随意
        icon: fa-solid fa-tags #图标
        path: /tags/ #链接

(It can also be placed in a sub-menu)

Modify Title (Optional)

The Tags page is matched based on the default title: tags.

If you need to customize the page title, add type: tags in the Front Matter to customize the page title.

Change Style

Modify tags_style in the page_templates configuration option of the Redefine theme configuration file _config.redefine.yml.

Configuration Option Name: page_templates.tags_style

TypePossible ValuesDefault Value
Stringblur, cloudblur