Buttons Module

This module allows you to add buttons.


Screenshot 2023-01-26 at 10.17.27 PM

For more demos, please visit the Redefine Demo Site (opens in a new tab).


{% btn [optional size]::[name]::[url]::[optional icon] %}

For example, in the above example:

Buttons with no arguments {% btn Button:: / %} fits well in the paragraph.
regular button fits better when outside of the paragraph
{% btn regular::Example::https://www.ohevan.com::fa-solid fa-play-circle %}
{% btn regular::Example::https://www.ohevan.com::fa-solid fa-play-circle %}
please use large with center:
{% btn center large::Get started::https://redefine-docs.ohevan.com::fa-solid fa-download %}

Optional Values

[optional size]:

center, regular, large, center large, center regular

[optional icon]:

Fontawesome (opens in a new tab) icon names, such as fa-solid fa-house.


For a live experience, please visit the Redefine Demo Site (opens in a new tab).