
Guide to Theme Development

This theme utilizes Tailwind CSS (opens in a new tab) as its CSS framework. If you're looking to personalize the theme and incorporate Tailwind CSS, dive into the documentation on this page.

Getting Ready for Development

Enabling Theme Development Mode

To get started, set the developer.enable option to true within the theme's configuration file _config.redefine.yml. This file can be found in the root directory of your Hexo installation.

# DEVELOPER MODE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> start
# Activate developer mode (for those modifying the theme's source code; not for regular users)
enable: true
# DEVELOPER MODE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< end

Installing Tailwind CSS

Begin by navigating to the theme directory and executing the following command:

npm install

Live Compilation of Tailwind CSS

In your terminal, execute:

npm run watch:css

This will enable real-time compilation of Tailwind CSS, and the compiled CSS file will reside in source/build/css/styles.css.

Customizing Your Theme

Tailoring Tailwind CSS

If you're eager to tweak the theme's styles using Tailwind CSS:

  • For customizing the Tailwind CSS configuration, make changes to the tailwind.config.js file located in the theme folder.
  • To create personalized global styles with Tailwind CSS, modify the source/css/style.styl file in the theme folder.

For an in-depth understanding of Tailwind CSS, consult the official Tailwind CSS documentation (opens in a new tab).

Crafting Unique Theme Styles

If you prefer not to use Tailwind CSS and instead wish to fashion your own theme styles, delve into the respective .styl style files found in the source/css/ directory within the theme folder. Then, seamlessly integrate the CSS class you've devised into your ejs files.