Global Function Settings global
Set up some global functionalities for the entire site.
Custom Fonts
Chinese Font Switch
Configuration Item: global.chinese.enable
Type | Possible Values | Default Value |
Boolean | true | false | false |
Chinese Font Family
Configuration Item:
Type | Example |
String | Noto Sans SC |
Chinese Font Link
Configuration Item: global.chinese.url
Type | Note | Example |
String | Font style file address (CSS) |;500;700&display=swap |
English Font Switch
Configuration Item: global.english.enable
Type | Possible Values | Default Value |
Boolean | true | false | false |
English Font Family
Configuration Item:
Type | Example |
String | Farsan |
English Font Link
Configuration Item: global.english.url
Type | Note | Example |
String | Font style file address (CSS) | |
Maximum Content Width
Configuration Item: global.content_max_width
Type | Note | Possible Values | Default Value |
String | Do not change unless necessary | *px | 1000px |
Sidebar Width
Configuration Item: global.sidebar_width
Type | Note | Possible Values | Default Value |
String | Do not change unless necessary | *px | 210px |
Hover Effects
Effects when hovering over various modules such as article cards, article lists, and feature cards.
Configuration Item: global.hover.shadow
Type | Possible Values | Default Value |
Boolean | true | false | true |
Configuration Item: global.hover.scale
Type | Possible Values | Default Value |
Boolean | true | false | false |
Reading Progress
Top Progress Bar
Configuration Item:
Type | Possible Values | Default Value |
Boolean | true | false | false |
Toolbar Percentage
Configuration Item: global.scroll_progress.percentage
Type | Possible Values | Default Value |
Boolean | true | false | true |
Website Statistics
Configuration Item: global.website_counter
Counter API URL, default is
Whether to enable, fill intrue
, default istrue
Whether to display the total website visits, fill intrue
, default istrue
Whether to display the total website visitors, fill intrue
, default istrue
Whether to display the total post visits, fill intrue
, default istrue
Single Page Experience
Configuration Item: global.single_page
Using swup.js library to bring SPA experience to the website, it is recommended to enable it.
Type | Available Values | Default Value |
Boolean | true | false | true |
Due to the browser not refreshing, if you want the custom script in the article to load, please add the data-swup-reload-script
attribute to your script
tag, for example:
<script data-swup-reload-script type="text/javascript">
// Your script
Open Graph
For more information, please refer to the Open Graph protocol . It can effectively enhance the sharing effect on social media. It is recommended to enable.
Configuration Item: global.open_graph
Type | Available Values | Default Value |
Boolean | true | false | true |
Full-Screen Loading Animation
Configuration Item: global.preloader.enable
Type | Options | Default |
Boolean | true | false | false |
Custom Content
Configuration Item: global.preloader.custom_message
Type | Note | Default |
String | Defaults to site name if not set | None |
Google Analytics
Google Analytics, for more information, please refer to Google Analytics .
Configuration Item: global.google_analytics.enable
Type | Available Values | Default Value |
Boolean | true | false | false |
Measurement ID
Configuration Item:
Fill in the Measurement ID
, which can be obtained from Google Analytics .
Type | Example |
String | G-M7SVFT9AFC |